Thursday, June 24

SQUARE Dancing My Way to the Top???

Can I just say that I love EVERYTHING about my summer job!?!? Seriously, the people are fantastic; the ever-challenging work truly keeps me on my toes, and every day I'm learning valuable skills that promise to aid in my future, no matter the path I opt for. That said, could I change ONE-THING-AND-ONE-THING-ONLY, the (long-lost) girly-girl in me would boldly stand up and scream, "THIS PLACE NEEDS MORE PINK!"

No, that's not a testament to my extremist feminism; in fact, we've got what some might consider a true estrogen ocean - los senors are in significant minority. Besides, I'm not even all that partial to pink. I could deal with blue, green, yellow, purple, red... anything really. Anything, that is, that might offer the slightest hope of stimulating creativity. Seriously... just a little bit of feng shui... is that too much to ask?

Alas, until my wishful thinking becomes State Government reality, I've taken to "creativity boosting" in Freedom Hall. Generally it's quiet, comfortable and spacious (ya think?) It's filled with many of my most amazing FFA memories -i.e. the first time I witnessed a sea of blue stand and recite "To practice brotherhood, honor agricultural opportunities and responsibilities, and develop those qualities of leadership which an FFA member should possess," - plus a plethora of awesome basketball and NQC moments. I've heard astonishing speeches, witnessed back-breaking dunks and seen thousands of people moved by a gospel song, but I'm not sure anything comes close to the muse I found today!

The Square Dancer's Convention has come to town! Smack dab in the center of Freedom Hall, a school of 20 or so quite enthusiastic dancers were tapping their hearts out, handing off partners and making me rather dizzy, all to the beat of an (?)impressive(?) country remix I'd never heard. :-/ Still, jokes aside, these guys (and gals) were good, and not just by my CLUELESS standards. The longer I watched, in awe, I realized that these weren't the.... tactful word.... (?)senior(?) ladies and gents I've seen (and chatted with) throughout the KEC over the past few days. Rather, these talented dancers were obviously high schoolers (at the oldest), full of excitement at the thrill of performing in such a prestigious venue! What an awesome thing to have such a desire and commitment to something so early on in life.

It's all chocked up in one word: PASSION. Along with my fellow 08-09 Kentucky FFA State Officers, I spent of year of my life campaigning for the 14,000+ members across our state to rise to one simple challenge: "Ignite Your Passion." But over a year after our "retirement" -great to achieve that at such a young age, eh?- it occurs to me that we are all continually learning to Seek, Ignite and Fuel our passions on a daily basis. And little do we know just how integral a part we play in that endeavour for those around us. I'm ever thankful for those individuals who, though they may not realize it, consistently encourage my dreams, guide my efforts, admonish my transgressions and literally shape my being. :)

Besides triggering my inner philosopher -hey, these kids know PASSION at an early age!- the Square Dancer's sparked a considerable bit of creativity, and thus it's back to the drawing board -err, Dell- in the still tragically colorless office (minus Brenda's -dwindling- stash of gumballs!), blasting Pandora on the iPhone as I work to bring YOU the most awesome Young Adult Project YOU have ever seen! (Easy enough... since it's gonna be the ONLY "YAP" you've ever seen!)

2009-2010 KSF YAP Youth Advisory Council
Just one more example of PASSION, the KSF Youth Advisory Council has been working diligently since November 2009 to make the 2010 Kentucky State Fair the absolute best you've ever seen! They've developed 11 days of awesome programming that will have you finding every excuse in the book to skip school and hang out with us in the YAP Tent! Aug. 19 - 29, there is no where else you'll want to be! Click on their photo to meet the crew, learn more about YAP and find out how you can get involved!

As for me, it's time to refocus. Battle of the Bands contacts. Check! Ultimate Photo Booth props. Check! Now I wonder who I should talk to about installing a window above my desk... or maybe I'll just move my desk to Freedom Hall and start hollerin' PROMENADE!

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