Friday, May 1

A Word to the High School Graduate

There are about a million perks to working with youth. You get to hold their hands through some of the most dramatic and tear-filled moments of their teenage years, you get to watch them take giant leaps toward the man or woman they were created to become, and you get to give away tiny pieces of your heart to be scattered and carried everywhere that any of them may go in life. Ultimately you get to feel a huge sense of pride and a tiny twinge of letting go when they graduate and move forward. I am blessed to know and love many young men and women who will all too soon “walk the line” and step into a world that is waiting for them, ready or not.

Eight year throwback to my own high school graduation, with my two BFFs, Amber and Heather!
To the wonderful kiddos that I’ve come to love,  

Whether I’ve gotten to know you in the classroom, on the ball court or field, through Church or missions – listen up one more time. This is my best advice.

    1. Get grounded in your faith and stand firm in what YOU believe. Opposition won’t just come from obvious places; even people you love and trust will work to persuade you to believe the way that they do. God gave YOU a heart and a mind. Use them both and figure things out for yourself.

    2. Watch your mouth. Gentlemen, when you’re in the presence of ANY lady – any age – act as if you’re with your grandma. If Granny would smack you for saying it, choke that word back down. Ladies, just don’t. You are intelligent and have remarkable beauty, and both will only be impugned by use of language that is unnecessary and tastes almost as bad as it sounds.

    3. Own your mistakes. You’ll have plenty of them, and that is perfectly acceptable, but know this: If you mess up and receive an applicable punishment for that infraction, Sweetheart, you are NOT a victim. Please don’t walk through life as though someone constantly owes you something. The truest sign of adulthood is recognizing your own responsibilities and living up to them.

    4. Never underestimate the value of a “Thank You” card. Fortunately, there are still people in the world who will do nice things for you. At the very least, they deserve your recognition. At times, “Thank You” will not seem like enough, but the fact that you took time to say it will be.

    5. Put down the phone! I recently watched a Prom couple on their dinner date before the dance. They walked into the restaurant, gave the attendant their name, and within 30 seconds both of them were actively engaged in the virtual world behind their cell phone screens. She looked stunning and he was handsome; I’m not sure either of them ever noticed. Your phone is a tool for enhancing your life; don’t let it become your life. Live in the moment and be present for the people you’re with, right then!

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

Each of you was created with a purpose. Never doubt that FACT.
You are valuable. You are lovable. You are teachable.

You are ready!

Congratulations! I’m proud of you and I love you,


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