Thursday, July 22

"That there is an R.V."

For anyone who's kept up with my blog to this point, you're fairly well versed on some of the ?eccentric? occasions/conventions/people that I've "awe-strickenly" noted throughout my summer spent in the gray/brown NAILE office at the Kentucky Fair and Exposition Center... With something like 20 graduations in one week, millions of square dancers young and old during another, livestock shows left and right, Walking Dinosaurs and even a ?fun-filled? night of WWE, I do believe that after this summer I'll truly be more.... "cultured." :-) Alas, pulling onto the grounds each morning of this week, my now INCREDIBLY HIGH expectations have NOT been disappointed. Rather, I've been cheerfully greeted by ridiculous amounts of security and a colorful explosion of the ultimate family vacation mobile. Until this week, I was unaware that a National Annual Recreational Vehicle (RV) Convention (I think that's what they're calling this mass of moving hotels) even existed... much less was I aware that Louisville, KY is home to it! Guess it literally goes to show, today's world truly offers SOMETHING for EVERYONE!

Personally, I'm quite enthused by this particular venture. Not so much because I'm itching to jump in one and take off across the country (doesn't sound too bad, actually,) but more so because each morning I've nearly doubled over in laughter as I'm reminded of the quote in this edition's title, and more specifically of the movie that brought the quote's fame (well, it's famous in my family, anyway.) Know the movie???

If you said "Christmas Vacation," award yourself 5,000,000 points and a pat on the back. And smile because you, too, are well acquainted with Clark, Ellen, Buzz, Audrey, Snotz, Cousin Eddie and the rest of the gang! The phrases, "Squirrel!"; "He's just yackin' on a bone."; and "Oh, Dear, did I break wind?" are likely to spark a twinge of Christmas cheer at any given moment. And if you're like my family, you've sat around the dinner table after many-a-Thanksgiving meal and quoted the entire movie in preparation for the marathon of viewings that will ensue between then and Dec. 25th! Sigh.... Gotta love a little taste of Christmas in July.

Before I can move onto Christmas, however, I have to finish what to this point has been the most fantastic summer I have ever had! Between a gazillion late night convos/adventures with the bestie, numerous first encounters (i.e. The Movie Tavern, Pickled Eggs, Mom's Music, and Goodwill!), a fabulous "re"-connection, a rocking photo shoot with a very talented young lady, hanging out with numerous long-lost friends, celebrating my grandparents 50th anniversary, re-taking up slow pitch softball and a thousand other memories that currently escape me, 2010 will surely go down in the record books! And it's no where near done!

This adventurer can't wait for an upcoming weekend of camping and rock climbing with some of my favorite people! Then there's a fantastic Church ladies trip to the Galilean Home in Casey County, KY! Somewhere in there, I have to manage to spend time with my college roomie before she rides off to Oklahoma for a semester! And PLEASE don't tell me I've run out of opportunities to lay by the pool! With no vacay this summer, that 3.5 ft deep vhat of chlorine has been my haven!

But, THIS summer, all roads ultimately lead to one off-the-charts culminating event - the 2010 Kentucky State Fair! I couldn't possibly be more ooberly excited about mounds upon mounds of fattening, fried goodness, piled atop 11 days of non-stop FUN (and almost ZERO sleep), topped off with YAPtastical awesomeness in the all new YAP Tent! I'm blown away with the talent of Kentucky's (and Southern Indiana's) YOUth - Battle of the Bands, Songwriters Contest and Discovery Farm Video Contest applications have flooded my office for weeks! The YAP Advisory Council is non-stop with fresh ideas to make KSF as YOUth oriented as possible! And I'm having the time of my life watching (and helping) it all come together! It literally doesn't get any better!

It may not be time to bust out my Christmas Vacation DVD (had to buy the DVD last year when the 15+ year old VHS finally bit the dust) and enjoy my absolute favorite time of year, full of holiday food, snuggly clothes and all-around good tidings... but if Summer 2010 is any indication, I may convert to a fan of the heat before long! In any season, it's clear that I am unbelievably blessed with a wonderful family, inspiring friends, growing faith and a passion for fun that promises a lifetime of smiles, no matter where my RV may take me...

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